ML Powered
Breast Cancer Predictor

A Logistic Regression model trained to classify a cancer cell as benign or malignant type, deployed on Streamlit platform. Created a interactive dashboard to change cell nuclei measurements and see how the classification results vary.s

Predictive Monitoring System
for Etching tool

Implemented a predictive monitoring system using trace signals and metrology data, collected from an etching product. Utilized self-organizing map (SOM) for health assessment, and Minimum Quantization Error (MQE) to calculate deviation from baseline state. A suport vector machine (SVM) algorithm was deployed to assess the extent of degradation of the tool.

Student Academic Performance
Data Science Project

Compared various algorithms to choose the best in sklearn library to conduct Exploratory data analysis on students' test scores. The project studied how test scores are affected by other variables such as test preparation time, gender, ethnicity, parental level of education etc.

Object Detection
with YOLO in Azure Databricks

A computer vision system that performs end-to-end pad detection from consumer images. Various image pre-processing techniques are applied along with a trained Yolo v7 model and deployed in Azure Databricks. Project link restricted due to confidentiality agreement with P&G.